Agenzia Rizzo   

inglese      italiano

Giuseppe RIZZO  started his maritime agency in 1929, operating in the commercial field as a customs broker. In the course of the years it has grown and branched out in too many other sectors. It continues too enjoy a primary relationship in   collaboration with the Navigating Company operating in the port of Pantelleria, for the transportation of passangers to and from the Island, as well as for the shipping of merchandise and vehicles.
At today's date it has diversified its business by also operating in other sector such as the rental of pleasure boats, rent berth on floating docks.



          Tickets office






Rent a boats

Old port marina

vacanza in dammuso
Holiday in a Dammuso


Registered Maritime Agency

corriere espresso ritiri e spedizioni

Collection and dispatch
from and to Pantelleria









Agenzia Rizzo
Via Borgo Italia - 91017 Pantelleria (TP)
P.Iva 01315940815



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Aggiornato il 28/02/2023